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Hear what those that have been involved with LEAP have to say

Discover the impact of the LEAP program from those who know it best. Ellie, mum of past participant Cassie, and Vision Australia service provider John share their experiences and insights.

Why Ellie recommends the LEAP program

Hear why Ellie would recommend the LEAP program to all parents, after her daughter Cassie had an amazing experience in 2023.

Why Cassie recommends the LEAP program

At LEAP, we were able to meet a lot of new people, learn a lot about skills that will help us when it comes to getting a job, and meet up on a LEAP camp which was really fun.

I’d have to say my favourite part was doing the elevator pitches because I think they’ll be really helpful later in life and it was taught really well. It’s a great experience for you.

— Cassie, a 2023 LEAP participant

Why John recommends the LEAP program

Hear one of the highlights of the LEAP program from Vision Australia's John, and why he wishes the program existed when he was in school.

Explore LEAP