Leading blindness and low vision service provider Vision Australia has joined forces with the Brisbane Broncos to give a group of teenage clients who live with vision loss the chance to meet their sporting heroes.
While the word football can mean many different things to many different people, for Mark Smith it means one thing – fun.
Australia’s best goalball players are preparing to head to Melbourne for the Australian Goalball Championships.
Vision Australia has applauded the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) for taking a major step in making information accessible to people who are blind or have low vision.
Vision Australia has continued to advocate on behalf of the blind and low vision community for the Marriage Equality survey to be fully accessible.
Since its release in 2015, the free Vision Australia Connect app has seen several enhancements.
Vision Australia has joined more than 20 other organisations from across the world in urging all levels of government to support the procurement of accessible technology so that workplaces are more inclusive to people living with a disability, such as blindness or low vision.
While Australian currency is now more accessible than ever with today’s launch of the new tactile $10 note, concerns remain that technology being introduced by the commercial banking sector could leave people from the blind and low vision community behind.
Jacana Kids is hosting a fundraiser in which kids can design their own cotton t-shirts or drawstring backpacks, with 60% of proceeds to Vision Australia's children's services.
Leading blindness and low vision service provider Vision Australia has called on the Australian Government to adopt the recommendations made by a review into the aged care system.