Carols by Candlelight is Vision Australia’s biggest fundraising event of the year, and we need your help to make it a success.
Gardening guru Jane Edmanson has led a discussion about spring in the garden with Telelink's gardening group.
An Australian-first research project about the effect assistance dogs have on the health and quality of life of a person living with younger onset dementia, and the wellbeing of those providing their care, is showing promising results.
Vision Australia and the wider blindness and low vision community have come together to acknowledge the impact white canes have on the lives of people with vision loss.
Moving to a different country presents plenty of challenges, but for Richelle Street a move with her young family to Indonesia in 2015 bought with it one particularly large challenge.
For Mark Whiting, it’s his white cane that has made solo overseas travel a reality.
Today, World Sight Day (Thursday 12 October 2017), Vision Australia has announced Priceline Pharmacy as the new Presenting Partner of its major fundraising event Carols by Candlelight.
Looking for your dream job? What if you could leave your current job and experience whether the grass truly is greener on the other side?
In an Australian first, a major Sydney church service is to be fully accessible for people who are blind or have low vision.
People from the blind and low vision community are no different from their sighted peers in that they make passionate, committed and efficient employees.