People who are blind or have low vision can receive multiple services at the one location, Vision Australia’s innovative Sensory Campus in Victoria.

The Sensory Campus houses unique specialist facilities such as the world-first, state-of-the-art Leigh Garwood Mobility Training Centre, a Sensory Room, a fully operational woodwork workshop and braille training. An onsite learning and teaching kitchen enables delivery of cooking skills and develops confidence. It is equipped with a one-way viewing mirror for therapeutic use, to aid in feeding therapy.

Click here for Channel 9 footage of 11 month old Vision Australia client Raphael in our Sensory Room. You’ll hear from his parents about how treatment in Vision Australia’s Sensory Room was instrumental in helping Raphael meet his developmental milestones at all the right stages.

Health and disability professionals can refer patients or clients for services at the Sensory Campus with a Vision Australia specialist, which builds confidence and independence so they can live the life they choose.

Click this link to learn more.