We want to make sure our social media has the type of content you’re looking for in the way you would like to experience it, and the best way for us to do that is to get your opinion.
The increase of electric and hybrid cars on Australian roads is putting pedestrians at significant risk, particularly people who are blind or have low vision, new research has found.
With International White Cane set to happen next week, this week’s Talking Vision is all about the mobility aid and what it means to the blind and low vision community.
Drivers and cyclists don’t want to have collisions with pedestrians but it does happen, and unfortunately people who are blind or have low vision face additional challenges to staying safe when navigating road crossings, footpaths and other public areas.
After more than two decades behind a desk at a law firm, Marisa was ready for a career change.
Dealing with the challenges that blindness and low vision can present is different for every individual and for some that may mean impacts on their mental health and overall wellbeing

Getting older Australians better connected and more familiar with technology and the internet will be the aim of a string of events across Vision Australia centres next week.
A group of people who are blind or have low vision were among the first people in Australia to see and feel the new $50 banknote today.
This week’s Talking Vision delves into both blind sport and the support Vision Australia offers to children clients.

The Illawarra’s blind and low vision community is set to get the chance to experience first-hand the latest assistive technology when Vision Australia opens the doors of its Wollongong centre.