John Rafferty was appointed as the chief executive officer of the CNIB in in 2009, which supports Canadians who live with vision loss.
Starting a career shouldn’t come down to fate.
Vision Australia is set to give Newcastle’s blind and low vision community the chance to improve their technology skills and pick the brains of world-renowned assistive technology expert.
Vision Australia's Low Vision Feast in Perth gives people who are blind or have low vision the chance to prepare a gourmet lunch with top chefs.
The Vision Australia Library service supports people who live with a wide range of print disabilities to access material in a variety of accessible formats. Recently Library staff were joined by assistive technology experts and dyslexia specialists for a special webinar focusing on dyslexia in children.
You can watch the webinar here or on the player below.
A keen scuba diver, Margaret Connell was inspired to pick up the paint brush to capture the beautiful underwater scenes she had experienced.

If you’ve ever doubted your capacity to lead a successful career, Karen’s story is for you.

Universities across Australia are failing to adequately address the needs of students who are blind or have low vision according to new research conducted by Vision Australia and endorsed by Disability Discrimination Commissioner Alastair McEwin.
Vision Australia Further Education Bursary applications for 2019 to close on October 31.
From Aristotle to Austen the way we view the world is shaped by the works of great authors. It’s easy to associate writing with the visual act of putting pen to paper, but across history some of the most culturally important writers have been blind or had low vision.