On 31 January the cut off for opting out of My Health Record will close.
This year there are 3 ways to access all the visual glitz and glam of Vision Australia’s premier event.
National Boys Choir chief Peter Casey is retiring after 30 years of involvement with Carols by Candlelight.
NDIS plan management is the way the funding in your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan is managed. There are several kinds of plan management so making the right choice is important.
When we talk about accessibility, some people tend to think about physical accessibility like ramps and elevators in buildings. But what about digital/website accessibility – what is it and why is it important?
Vision Australia has warmly welcomed a commitment by the Australian Banking Association (ABA) to strongly promote the importance of accessibility in the sector.
Twelve months ago today, I had my nine day old baby boy asleep on my chest. We were on  a hospital trolley bed,  My mum on my left, my husband on my right. As the orderlies were wheeling us towards the theatre, I was crying and clutching to my baby, wondering if I was ever going to see him again. I remember the corridors and the stares of pity we got in the lift. I was about to endure  a seven and a half hour long brain surgery to remove a tumour from my optic nerve. My baby was taken away by my husband and we had a teary see you later. I was connected to copious amounts of lines and machines and wheeled into surgery.  A mask was put over my face and I counted back from 10 staring at the halo of surgery lights,  My lights went out and that was my last coloured memory.
Sometimes I think I need to get around with this sign on the back of my T-shirt. Having a hidden disability is hard. People can’t see that I am legally blind.
There’s some change underway at the Vision Australia Library as the service continues to transition away from CDs.
Grace King has moved from the United States and compares life for a person who is blind in Perth, her adopted home town, with the life she knew in Wisconsin.