Who ever said isolating at home had to be boring? Vision Australia’s Vision Store has a wide range of accessible games that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of whether you are blind, have low vision or are sighted!
As many people who are blind or have low vision use touch to access information or navigate public spaces, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on their ability to be active and independent.

Vision Australia orientation and mobility expert Bashir Ebrahim OAM recently spoke to Vision Australia Radio about some techniques people who are blind or have low vision can use to stay safe.
National Volunteer Week will be celebrated across Australia from May 18-24. At Vision Australia, we're fortunate to be supported by amazing and dedicated volunteers across and we want to share their stories with you.
Chrissy Brincat is a Marketing Graduate at Vision Australia as part of the Career Start Program. "The Stranger on the bus" originally appeared in the April edition of Blind Citizens Australia newsletter.
For Caitlin Jung, a Vision Australia Further Education Bursary has removed a number of challenges that come with studying at university with low vision.
Vision Australia is committed to supporting the blind and low vision community through the COVID-19 pandemic, while also keeping you safe.
Vision Australia is urging the Australian health-care sector to continue to support patients to access specialist blindness and low vision services through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vision Australia is set to host free weekly webinars on a range of topics to support people who are blind or have low vision through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vision Australia has supported young sighted cricketers in Victoria to better understand how people who are blind or have low vision take part in the sport.
Vision Australia continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and will continue to follow directions from all levels of government to support efforts to slow the spread of the virus.

All Vision Australia offices remain open, but in-line with the national shutdown of nonessential services and more stringent social distancing guidelines, Vision Australia will only deliver services via face-to-face appointments where there is a critical need. This includes Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs.