Each year, June 13 marks International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD). IAAD aims to raise awareness about people who live with Albinism and also counter the continued stigma and mis-conceptions people with Albinism continue to face. At Vision Australia, we’re marking IAAD by highlighting three separate stories, illustrate how life has changed in Australia for people with albinism over the last five to six decades.
Grant Wilson lives with albinism. As part of of International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD) 2020, read Grant's story of growing up in the 1960s and '70s and forging a career supporting others who are blind or have low vision.
Matt Collins lives with albinism. As part of of International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD) 2020, read Matt's story of navigating school, university, life and establishing his career in the communications industry.
Rebecca is a mother of three boys. Two of those Ethan and Samuel were born with Albinism. Read Rebecca's account of being a parent of children with albinism as part of of International Albinism Awareness Day 2020.
Vision Australia client Max Bergman is a former Paralympian, holds two PhDs and is the entrepreneur behind a revolutionary skincare brand.
Connor McLeod is passionate about accessibility and a Vision Australia Further Education Bursary has him on track to reach his career goals
Have you visited a website and found it difficult or impossible to navigate? Have you tried to access information or accomplish a task using a smartphone app and found it frustrating or impossible?
The Vision Australia Further Education Bursary program has assisted Fabian Jones in his ambition to study a double degree at Griffith University.
As one of our orientation and mobility specialists, Kelsey Shekelton supports people who are blind or have low vision by teaching them how to safely and independently navigate their surroundings.
Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) will take on added celebration at Vision Australia in 2020.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Vision Australia’s Digital Access service, which has grown into an internationally recognised industry leader in the provision of digital accessibility services.