The Vision Australia Library service is encouraging libraries across Australia to better understand the importance of audio description as part of International Day for Universal Access to Information (September 28).
We all have strengths, skills and attributes that we can bring to employers, but sometimes it is hard to talk about our value and sell ourselves. Below are some simple tips to help you communicate your value to others.
An interest in helping people has led Vicky to work as a paediatric counsellor with Vision Australia.
People from the blind and low vision community are no different from their sighted peers in that they make passionate, committed and efficient employees. Despite this, the unemployment rate of people who are blind or have low vision is significantly higher compared to the general population.
Lawn bowls is a sport that can be played easily by everyone no matter what their age or ability. 
All About Employment is a series of articles to assist people with various topics about employment. Read more about what skills you can learn to articulate and demonstrate when applying for jobs.
Suzanne has recently been approved for an NDiS package that she hopes will enable her to re-engage with her family more often.
For people who are blind or have low vision, finding employment can be challenging due to systemic issues like inaccessible workplaces, employer attitudes and unconscious bias, but as Vision Australia client Olga said, it’s all about accessing the right support from the right people.
COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways. It has changed the way we socialise, the way we engage with each other, and has added a level of overall uncertainty. This is especially true for those who are jobseeking.
The introduction to braille music has led Jordie down a brilliant career path including professional singing, teaching braille music and transcribing print music to braille music.