17 Mar 2023
Big Visions, an initiative by Vision Australia, is a set of three children’s books that explore the individual stories of inspirational, successful Australians living with blindness or low vision. The books aim to help change expectations of what children and young people who are blind or have low vision can achieve to build strong foundations for life.
15 Mar 2023
As part of World Glaucoma Week, Lucy's mother, Denise, shares her story with us.
14 Mar 2023
If you're eligible to vote in the NSW state election, we've compiled all the info you'll need to know.
14 Mar 2023
After seven years of unemployment, Shashi is back in the workforce thanks to assistance from Vision Australia.
13 Mar 2023
Living with blindness or low vision doesn’t have to be a barrier to people living independently at home. While there can be some challenges, there are a number of strategies and techniques that can help make the home accessible and safe.
10 Mar 2023
Indigenous Australians experience vision loss at three times the rate of the non-Indigenous population, many with the added challenges of accessing health services in remote communities.

Since 2020, Vision Australia has worked to establish a strong presence and sustainable practice in Alice Springs, guided by the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (Congress).
10 Mar 2023
Living with blindness or low vision doesn’t have to be a barrier to people living independently at home.  

While there can be some challenges, there are a number of strategies and techniques that can help make the home accessible and safe.
08 Mar 2023
Talking Vision is Vision Australia Radio’s flagship program, discussing the latest news and issues from a blindness and low vision perspective. 

This week we celebrate International Women’s Day with a special take over. Tess Herbert takes the reins and catches up with two women who are working to make the world a better place for all women with disabilities. 
07 Mar 2023
Leeann is looking to give back to Vision Australia through the 100k Your Way fundraiser!
06 Mar 2023
In 2008, Maysa Abouzeid learned blind judo is a Paralympic sport and she’s been involved with the sport ever since.