Ben Page hopes his experiences at university can help others from the blind and low vision community to successfully navigate their way through tertiary education.
Sydney’s emergency services have visited leading blindness and low vision service provider Vision Australia this week to give young children living with vision loss an important and enjoyable lesson about safety and emergency procedures.
Vision Australia is keeping up the pressure for a truly accessible, secret, independent and verifiable voting system for people who are blind or have low vision in its latest submission to the Inquiry into the 2016 ACT Election.
He’s not quite sure where his degree will take him, but Angus Mingare is enjoying his time at university.
Keith Rutherford’s message to any young person living with a vision condition is simple - make the most of any support that is available to you.
Vision Australia today officially opened its second North Queensland office in Townsville which features Australia’s first outdoor paediatric orientation and mobility facility.
Vision Australia’s Accessible Information Solutions, in conjunction with Benetech (US), Dedicon (Holland), and the Royal National Institute of Blind People (UK), today announced Global Certified Accessible. The program is the first third-party ebook verification program for accessible content.
For many older people remaining in their own home is key part of maintaining their independence.
The last few barriers that have been blocking the Marrakesh Treaty from being implemented effectively in Australia have been removed with the passage of the Copyright Amendment (Disability Access and Other Measures) Bill.
A leading Geelong eye specialist will speak at a Vision Australia information day aimed at supporting people whose vision has been reduced by macular degeneration.