By joining our Client Reference Group, you could help shape the services we provide to the blind and low vision community.
• It takes young people 4.7 years to enter full-time work after leaving full-time education.
• Unemployment, job insecurity and poor work conditions are the three biggest work-related risk factors for mental illness.
• For young people who are blind or have low vision, this can be compounded by issues such as accessibility and employer perceptions.
The release of the Audio Description Working Group report this week by the Department of Communications and the Arts illustrates the Australian Government’s clear inability to provide services for the blindness and low vision community.
Vision Australia has developed a new audio logo, based on the three-link visual logo developed as part of the organisation's 2016 re-branding project.
Vision Australia is set to join schools, libraries, bookstores and more tomorrow for National Simultaneous Storytime, thanks to the combined efforts of Vision Australia Radio and the Vision Australia Library.
Public transport is a vital part of everyday life for people who are blind or have low vision, which is why Vision Australia is committed to improving accessibility and the travel experience for people with vision loss.
An important part of democracy is the ability of people to vote secretly and independently.
Unfortunately for people who are blind or have low vision, like Vision Australia Advocacy and Government Relations Manager Chris Edwards, that’s a right they are often denied.
Living with blindness or low vision doesn’t prevent people from being loving and caring parents, but it can present some challenges for mums and dads to work around.
The Federal Budget is always a contentious topic, but it can be hard to cut through the political smoke and mirrors to find exactly how you might be impacted.
Living with blindness or low vision doesn’t have to be a barrier to people living the life they choose – just look at Matt Formston.