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Vision loss and print disability shouldn’t be a barrier to continuing to write. Learn from our team of experts in the Vision Australia Accessible Technology team how you can keep doing the all-important task of writing. 

Writing is an integral part of our lives. Whether it be compiling a shopping list, keeping a journal, writing a letter to a loved one or writing the novel that’s burning in you; there’s a range of adaptive tools and technology you can use to keep those words churning. 

On August 1 2024, Vision Australia Library, in conjunction with Accessible Technology and Vision Store, hosted an informative and inspiring webinar for our clients across Australia.

Watch the webinar

Recorded 1 August 2024

What did our Library members say about the webinar?

“There's a much bigger range of products than I was aware of.”

“As my vision is deteriorating, knowing what's available out there to assist me is making the transition less stressful. Knowledge is comforting.”

“The fact that the presentation was given by people with lived experience of sight issues and are actual users of the equipment and software they were discussing was very valuable in my opinion.”

“Speakers introduced various technological aids and devices which I was not aware of e.g. screen readers, special pens. This then raised the issue for me of ‘how do I learn to use the various devices referred to throughout the presentation?’ Fortunately, at the end of the program mention was made of Vision Australia specialists providing assessment and recommendations based on individual assessment outcomes which I found very reassuring.”


Damian (Damo) McMorrow and Jim Pipczak from the Vision Australia Access Technology team, were guest speakers in our Accessible Writing Tools and Technology webinar. Damo and Jim shared their expertise in Accessible Technology, underpinned by their lived experience as vision impaired users of many of the adaptive tools and technology discussed in the presentation. 

Damo McMorrow

Since graduating with a Bachelor of Information Technology from Griffith University, Damo McMorrow has spent over 24 years in the I.T. industry in a variety of roles, from running his own Adaptive Technology business, through to managing technical and service delivery teams across the Education sector.

During this time, he has relied upon adaptive technologies and equipment to help overcome a wide range of barriers and issues. Damo then brought his experience and passion for technology to Vision Australia, previously as an Access Technology Specialist, where he assisted clients in the use of technology for work, education, travel and leisure.

He is currently the National Access Technology Manager, leading Vision Australia’s Access Technology Service. 

Jim Pipczak

Jim is approaching his 30-year anniversary with Vision Australia.

Over this time he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge he generously shares with our clients and the team that work alongside him. Prior to joining Vision Australia, Jim ran a business supplying and installing screen reading and enlargement software to government departments. He joined Vision Australia as an Access Technology Specialist, expanding his knowledge across a wide range of tools and technology.

Jim is now our Access Technology Service Development Lead helping to train and keep all our Access Technology Service team up to date with the latest technology.